
6 reasons your cat ‘makes biscuits,’ according to vets – Insider

  • cats may knead because they want to use the scent glands in their paws to mark their territory.
  • It can also be a remnant of childhood: kittens knead their mother’s belly to stimulate milk.
  • kneading is also a stretching method and could be a sign that your cat likes you.
  • If you own a cat, chances are you’ve seen it making a repetitive, rhythmic motion with its paws on surfaces like pillows, the couch, and even on you. this movement is known as kneading, which some cat owners affectionately refer to as “cookie making” since the action resembles a person kneading dough.

    This behavior is completely normal for cats. it’s an innate behavior that kittens carry into adulthood. and there are multiple reasons why they will as adults – here are six.

    1. feel comforted

    Newborn kittens gently knead their mother’s belly to help stimulate milk flow, dr. rebecca greenstein, rover veterinary medical advisor.

    this is instinctive behavior, and some cats may even drool when kneading, as if they were drooling in anticipation of the milk.

    Although adult cats don’t need to nurse, kneading is likely to be associated with comforting feelings.

    “It is possible that the positive and pleasant association is cemented from infancy, long after they have stopped nursing,” Greenstein said.

    2. to mark their territory

    Cats can be territorial creatures and can use kneading to help them claim their space.

    since cats have scent glands in their paws, kneading can be a way of marking their territory by transferring their scent to whatever surface they’re kneading, dr. said jennifer freeman, resident veterinarian and pet care expert at petsmart.

    3. make the bed

    While kneading is related to nursing, there may be another instinct at play as well. they can knead on a surface before they feel comfortable going to sleep.

    “Your feline ancestors needed to flatten and pet their resting and sleeping areas to feel more comfortable and spot any unseen danger before a nap, so kneading could also be a throwback to that ancient instinct,” Greenstein said .

    4. to show that they like you

    In the same way that dogs lick you when they like you, cats can also show their love in unique ways.

    “It can be a compliment if a cat is petting you, as it can mean that they are comfortable with you and want to show you their affection,” Freeman said.

    in fact, the more your cat likes you, the harder he can love you.

    5. stretch

    Just like humans need a good stretch every once in a while, so do cats. when cats knead, they extend their arms.

    “The alternating motion of extending your limbs during kneading could also be a feline version of ‘leg stretching’ to wake up your muscles and stimulate circulation,” Greenstein said.

    6. to show that they are coming into heat

    If your cat isn’t spayed, kneading can be a sign that she’s ready to mate.

    Greenstein says to be on the lookout if your non-neutered cat starts to act differently (behaviors like being more affectionate, rubbing up against people or surfaces, or making new vocalizations in addition to kneading), especially if potential mates are nearby.

    insider point

    There are any number of reasons why your cat might be kneading, from showing you a little love to going into heat.

    All of these causes of cat kneading are nothing to worry about, so you can just sit back and enjoy watching your cat be super cute.

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