
Does cat urine odor ever go away? It can. Here’s how to eliminate it

On the list of unpleasant odors, cat urine that lingers in your home ranks pretty high. If you have a feline housemate, you’re well-acquainted with the challenge of getting that cat pee smell off a sofa or rug.

so what works best? Are there proven home remedies? here is everything you need to know about how to get rid of cat urine smell.

how to get rid of cat urine smell

First of all, the general rule of thumb is the sooner the better. If your cat urinates outside the litter box, he’ll need to “neuter” that spot immediately afterward, not just cover it up with a better scent. It’s important that you don’t just spray perfume and call it a day.

First of all, blot up the mess, then spray the stain with a bacteria- or enzyme-based cleaner. these will break down odor-causing bacteria. You can also use a vinegar solution, a mixture of vinegar and water. arm & hammer also advises that using club soda to rub the area and sprinkling baking soda can be used as a home remedy.

The best route depends a bit on whether you’re dealing with clothing, rugs, or furniture.

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act fast. erase the stain If you can, apply a little pressure to the site so that the towel completely absorbs all the urine. The last thing you want is urine left over that generates that pungent ammonia smell the longer it sits in there.

Then, spray an enzyme or bacteria-based cleaner or vinegar solution with water, vinegar, and optionally a little dish soap. this will eliminate the odor that attracts cats to urinate in the same spot over and over again.

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Once again, act fast. you can try rinsing it in cold water and then tossing it in the washing machine. if this doesn’t work, soak the clothing with water and a cup of baking soda or a little apple cider vinegar.

It’s best to keep clothes out of the dryer, as the heat can exacerbate odor. choose to air dry. repeat these steps until the odor is gone.

p.s. an enzyme cleaner can also be used in this process.

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As a home remedy, you can use a vinegar solution. According to yahoo news, the smell of vinegar prevents cats from urinating in the same place again, and as it evaporates, it takes the smell of cat urine with it.

does cat urine ever go away?

yes, you should be able to neutralize the smell of old cat urine with the above methods. if it doesn’t work, be sure to use a detergent with enough enzymes to remove the odor, and be sure to cover the entire area of ​​the stain.

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If your cat continues to ‘miss the litter box,’ you may want to consider taking her to the vet, as this could indicate an underlying health condition.

How Often Do You Take A Cat To The Vet?:How To Meet Your Feline Friend’s Veterinary Needs.

wedmd offers a guide to some easy home solutions you can use to stop cats from peeing in the house, including:

  • spend more time with your cat to reduce their anxiety
  • make sure your cat has plenty of space to explore and plenty of toys
  • clean up all the places your cat has urinated inappropriately before so she can’t go back to those marks
  • Place treats near common areas where your cat urinates. your cat will not want to urinate near where he is eating
  • increase the number of litter boxes and make sure they are clean
  • Just curious?: We’re here to help answer life’s everyday questions.

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